Designation Training
Explore ADU Specialist Training Options
Training for professionals looking to enhance their business practices and earn our nationally-recognized ADU Specialist designation.
Browse the available training and exam options listed below and find the format or location that’s right for you.
ADU Specialist Designation Exam
Pass the exam and become an ADU Specialist.
Complete one of our trainings listed below and then take the online ADU Specialist Designation Exam in order to display your ADU expertise to the market.
‘ADU Specialist’ Designation Requirements
Complete qualifying training
(All About ADUs, ADU Academy, or Online Training)
Pass designation exam
(min. passing score of 70%, two opportunities to pass)
Available Formats
Online On-Demand
Need an ADU refresher?
Receive a discount code when you register for the exam to purchase the course textbook written by our ADU course developer, Kol Peterson: Backdoor Revolution - The Definitive Guide to ADU Development.
Continuing Education
No CEs provided
All About ADUs
This half-day live training is intended for real estate and building professionals looking to better assist their clients by increasing their knowledge of ADU development and regulations in specific geographical areas.
Gain an understanding of planning and building regulations in your area and leave equipped to help homeowners and developers understand site eligibility, development process/costs, and the return on investment of ADUs.
‘ADU Specialist’ Designation Requirements
Complete training
Pass designation exam
Varies by location
(view here)
Available Formats
In-person classroom
Live webinar
Washington (Seattle)
Oregon (Portland, Bend)
Custom classes available upon request
Continuing Education
4 CEs (Oregon and Washington)
Varies by location
Registration includes a free textbook written by our ADU course developer, Kol Peterson: Backdoor Revolution - The Definitive Guide to ADU Development
Learning Objectives
Understand what makes a property ADU-ready/eligible
Gain insight on ADU regulations for specific municipalities
Learn what is involved in the process of getting approved to build an ADU
Analyze taxation, valuation and financing options for ADUs
Understand the ADU design, permitting, and building process (attached, detached, and garage conversion)
Gain access to resources to help your clients plan for their ADU (budget sample, contract types, rebate programs, and more)
“The All About ADUs course was invaluable! I have so many clients interested in the potential for ADUs on their property and this class was exactly what I needed to help me feel confident and educated on the subject. Thanks for a great course!”
On-Demand Training
Online ADU training available anytime, nationwide.
Online courses that allow professionals to access top-tier ADU training at their own pace and from any location.
‘ADU Specialist’ Designation Requirements
Complete training
Pass designation exam
(separate exam registration - see below)
Kol Peterson, Accessory Dwelling Strategies LLC (see bio)
Available Formats
Online On-Demand
National version
(‘ADU Primer’ offered by OnlineEd)
California version
(‘ADUs 101’ offered by the California Association of Realtors)
Note: Online trainings do not provide jurisdiction-specific info. See ‘All About ADUs’ above for training locations that provide region- &/or city-level detail.
Continuing Education
National: 3 CEs
California: No CEs
National: $100
California: $119 to $238
Learning Objectives
Review the demographics of current and soon-to-be ADU owners and renters
Understand what makes a property ADU-ready
Gain lessons learned from ADU-championing policies in Portland, Oregon
Understand the ADU design, permitting, and building process (attached, detached, and garage conversion)
Analyze cost scenarios, valuation, financing, and revenue-generating options for ADUs
Gain info needed to help home builders, buyers and sellers make educated decisions
ADU Academy
This intensive all-day educational and networking event is for ADU practitioners looking to learn best practices from their industry peers in areas of design, build, real estate, lending and appraisal.
Benefit from detailed and expert insights about the emerging ADU industry from practitioners who have first-hand experience in leading markets for ADUs. The event offers ample networking opportunities and two customized tracks to provide professionals with the most in-depth and cutting edge education on ADUs that is available across the country.
‘ADU Specialist’ Designation Requirements
Complete training
Pass designation exam
Various presenters (see here)
Available Formats
In-person Academy
Portland, OR; San Diego, CA;
Berkeley, CA; Los Angeles, CA; Seattle, WA; Denver, CO
Continuing Education
7 CEs (Oregon and Washington)
6 CEs (California)
$375 to $450
Learning Objectives
Learn how to excel in the rapidly changing ADU market
Gain in-depth education about the broader range of ADU issues that set you apart as an ADU professional
Attend workshops, breakout sessions, and networking centered around ADU design, building, real estate, financing & appraisal
“If you’re interested in incorporating the ADU market into your business, this Academy is an absolute must! Packed with great information and very well organized. In addition, you’ll meet lots of bright people from all over the country that have a passion for the ADU market – just like you! I went through the Academy last week and I’ve already had fellow attendees from Toronto and Washington DC stop by to collaborate here in Seattle!”